Brad Stahlheber Explains How Multimodal Pain Management Lowers Opioid Addiction Rates
How a More Varied and Natural Approach to Pain Management can Help Lower Rates of Addiction Opiate addiction is having a devastating impact on communities all across the United States. One of the things that’s making the situation more alarming is that many of the people now addicted to opiates were prescribed the drugs by…
Phantom Limb-Like Pain and Sensations in an Intact Limb
An Overview of One of the Most Misunderstood Medical Conditions, Phantom Limb What is Phantom Limb Pain Phantom limb pain is associated with the pain that occurs when an extremity or body part is amputated. When a part of the body is no longer there, many people experience immense pain due to the body’s reaction…
How to Know if Your Diet is Right for You
The Questions You Should Ask Before Starting Any New Diet Undergoing a diet is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in life. It’s a commitment that will only stick if you’re serious about it. If you’ve had trouble with diets in the past, it might be because it wasn’t the proper…
Paleo Diet vs Paleo Lifestyle – Are You “Doing It” or “Living It”
The Paleolithic diet and lifestyle have been discussed for more than one hundred years since health experts such as John Harvey Kellogg began calling on their followers to abandon the modern diet they believed to cause a range of medical conditions under the title “diseases of affluence”. Modern dieticians have been calling for more people…
How Often Should You Have Your Teeth Cleaned?
Getting your teeth cleaned regularly is incredibly important to maintain dental health. Many individuals neglect cleaning their teeth regularly, which can lead to the development of gum diseases. Your mouth becomes a haven for bacteria to thrive in and can also cause other health problems throughout your body. Fortunately, there are always solutions to help…
Don’t Underestimate the Healthy Mind Of Women Entrepreneurs
With the dawn of a new age, there has been a significant increase in the emergence of female and women entrepreneurs. The whole world celebrates as women stand up and take control of their own financial freedom. As women sore to greater heights around the world, noticing the significant shift in societal gender roles is…
Can Untreated Allergies Lead To Cancer?
Dr. Summit Shah has raised an excellent question recently. Can untreated allergies lead to cancer? Well, the suspicion used to be that people who suffer from allergies were less likely to develop cancer. Until only a few years ago this was merely speculation. Not anymore, now it is a fact. There is a clear body…
6 Shocking Things That Happen to Your Body When You Start the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet has been coined the term “caveman diet” and has been making rounds for its popularity in the world of health and fitness. The idea is plain and simple: you can only eat foods that are available during the caveman era–whatever you can hunt for, or find sparingly in the wilderness (of the…
D. Scott Carruthers’ 7 Easy Paleo Breakfasts (Quick and easy!)
The Paleo diet is one of the most successful and important diets of recent decades as it returns people to the clean and healthy eating which assists in losing weight. Returning to the basic eating habits of humans during the Stone Age period of human history means eating meat and poultry, seafood, non-starchy vegetables, seeds,…
The Healthy Way To Get Your Summer Body
There is nothing really wrong with seeking a quick fix to achieving the perfect bikini or beach body when the Summer months get closer. The trend for sculpted abs created by top plastic surgeons such as Dr. Usha Rajagopal in the Bay Area of San Francisco looks set to remain for the foreseeable future. Most medical…