No matter where you are and how much land you have at your disposal, it is quite possible to have an organic garden that provides a wealth of healthy herbs and vegetables. Whether you are living in a small apartment or have a large plot of land, organic gardening remains an excellent and enjoyable pursuit that yields tasty foods throughout the entire year. Starting and maintaining an organic garden may seem daunting, but the fact of the matter is that it is an incredibly simple process that anyone can learn in short order.
Tim DeCapua, an organic gardener who uses the tomatoes and herbs he grows in his garden to make his outstanding pasta sauce, recommends that beginners get started by checking out the space they have at their disposal. This will be the determining factor regarding the type of organic garden you utilize, as those who live in small urban spaces or who do not have any spare space in the yard may have to instead opt for a vertical garden rather than a traditional raised bed. A vertical garden still yields excellent vegetables, so a limited amount of space should not be a deterrent if you are interested in organic gardening.
Once the space has been identified, it is important for you to consider the soil that will be used in the gardening bed. Composting is a key organic gardening strategy, but it does take a while to get a pile started. If possible, try to wait six weeks or so for the compost to be ready for use in planting, but it is also easy enough to pay for store-bought compost until the homegrown compost is ready for use. Pests and animals are often a difficult issue organic gardeners have to deal with, but there are plenty of organic products available for managing pests that are perfectly safe to use and do not cause any environmental harm.