The Healthy Way To Get Your Summer Body

There is nothing really wrong with seeking a quick fix to achieving the perfect bikini or beach body when the Summer months get closer. The trend for sculpted abs created by top plastic surgeons such as Dr. Usha Rajagopal in the Bay Area of San Francisco looks set to remain for the foreseeable future. Most medical professionals including plastic surgeons such as Dr. Usha Rajagopal are keen to express to their patients the need for a healthy approach to achieving the perfect Summer body.

Don’t be dragged into dieting fads 

As the Summer months draw closer we all see the ads for the latest slimming craze promising perfect abs in 30 days or less. Dieting fads have been around for decades and few really do last the test of time as those who lose weight quickly often struggle to sustain their optimum weight in the future. Aloha reports the best option to undertake is a series of small changes to the lifestyle of an individual where the weight is lost over a sustained period of time and kept off through a different lifestyle being lived.

Create a team environment 

As with most activities we undertake, the chance to create a perfect Summer body is improved over time with the help of a strong support system who can be relied upon during the darkest times. When a change in lifestyle is being undertaken it is important to make sure the people around you are on the same page as far as helping create a perfect environment for completing a difficult task; surrounding oneself with those who will help and encourage at all times is one of the most important parts of the process of changing a lifestyle.

Do some research 

Muscle & Fitness reports it can be overwhelming when deciding to change to a healthy, active lifestyle but there are avenues of support to look for. For many decades, the science and nutrition sectors have been conducting research into the best options for staying healthy and happy with an active lifestyle which can be read about to make sure the best options are being undertaken at all times.

The scale is not always needed 

Switching to a healthy lifestyle is not just for those who are looking to lose weight but can be for individuals who simply want to look their best for the Summer. For those who do not feel they are overweight but want to tone their abs and muscles the best way of judging results is not on the scale but by deciding how their body looks or clothes fit.

Count calories 

This may seem like a difficult and time-consuming exercise but the key to six-pack abs really is the kitchen. Starting out by eating 12 calories per pound of weight to be achieved is a good base for starting an exercise regime leading to the perfect beach body.

A wider view of life 

So you want to get ready for beach season, this is a good starting point but switching to an active lifestyle is a good option for a brighter and happier future. Instead of criticizing your body it can be a better option to think of the positive ways the new lifestyle is impacting your life. Many people see an increased level of confidence, energy, and sex drive when they make the commitment to creating the perfect beach body in a healthy, sustainable way.